Music and writing for creatives, queers, and theatre nerds.

The Canary is an introspective journal on authenticity, self-discovery, and creative expression that's delivered the second Friday of each month.

  • create a purpose-driven, joyful, creative life
  • embrace radical self acceptance
  • receive mindful reflections on mental health and culture

What Readers Are Saying...

Feedback Shared with Permission // LaToya (Emerald Astrology)

About The Creator

I am committed to leading a life that feels good. One where I prioritize people, creative pursuits, and a life full of music and books.

This newsletter is an extension of that mindset.

The world is constantly telling us who and how to be. I want nothing to do with it. But there is so much I do want to create and experience.

The Canary is where I share what I'm working on and exploring, with the hope that it will inspire you to be creative and build a life that feels good to you too.

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